Management Courses
The following courses/modules will be offered in 2023 academic year.
The M.Mgt Studies course is a 24-36 months (2-3 years) part-time program. The format is user-friendly and the course is taught in
flexible delivery mode. This model is ideal for participants employed full-time.
1. Masters in Management (MMgt) – (Course Work)
Attempt 4 core modules and 4 electives under the Masters in Management (MMgt) – (Course Work)
Entry Level: A bachelor degree in a given academic discipline with 3 years work experience.
2. Masters in Management: (MMgt) – (Research)
Attempt 6 core modules and 2 electives under the Masters in Management (MMgt) – (Research).
Entry Level: A bachelor degree in a given academic discipline with 3 years work experience.
3. Post-Graduate Diploma in Management:
Attempt four core modules from the program. The modules, MMS126 Research Methods and MMS100 Research thesis/Projectare not available for this course.
Entry Level: A degree or its equivalent in a given academic discipline with 3 years work experience.
4. Professional Development/Short Course format:
For those not wishing to study towards a UNRE qualification but would like to attain a Professional Development (Short Course) Certificate in a particular module, you can enroll into a non-award program (short course type). Attend external and online classes or five days of face-to-face classes for a module you are interested in, complete three assessment tasks and be issued a Professional Development Certificate of Attendance. Eight (8) modules to choose from.
The following are modules including tentative dates they will be offered in 2023 academic year.

We expect to return to face-to-face residential classes on Vudal Campus or in Kokopo in the 2023 academic year for some of the Modules while some Modules will continue with External & Online Mode of Delivery.
Visiting Professors from renowned Universities in Australia, New Zealand, India and Malaysia conduct all lectures, as well as provide Thesis Supervision and External Examiner roles towards the program.
For course information/application forms/costings) you may contact the Executive Officer – Centre for Graduate Studies & Research (Ms Nawio Api) on phone 9871268, or email address